F the LrSV2 gene within this cross, it was deduced that
F the LrSV2 gene in this cross, it was deduced that this resistance gene is located within an 0.04 cM 20(S)-Hydroxycholesterol Technical Information genetic interval delimited by markers cfp5311 and cfb5060. These markers define a 748 kb interval 10 of 22 around the physical map of CS (Figure three).LrSVstm538 acag stm598 tcac wmmMa rkerRust R S33 cosegregating markersPos i ti on wi thi n chromos ome 3B Chi nes e Spri ng748 kb110 193 338 642 955 1440 1955 2220 2379 2581 2685 3044 3234 3499 3946 4161 4458 4520 4912 5207 5324 5545 6645 7208 7531 7765 7794 7807 7808 7848 7868 7988 8111 8168 8224 8240 825014 2 4 1 11 12 1 6 8 three four 3 20 11 15 14 16 19 20 184 17 19 1 5 5 5 five 2 two two 4 1 1 5 1 four six 5 five 17 6 two 19 20 20H HH 0 0 HH H 1 H HH 0 1 0 H 0 1 1 0 0 H H 1 H 0 H H 1 0 0 H 0 0 0 0 1 H H 0 H H 0 1 1 0 0 1 HH 0 H H H HH 0RecombinantHH H H 1 0 H 1 1 H H H H H HFigure 3. Goralatide medchemexpress Graphical genotype table of your 38 vital recombinant F2s discovered between swm13 and Figure three. Graphical genotype table from the 38 critical recombinant F2s located in between swm13 and gwm533 markers. Markers positions on the Chinese Spring chromosome 3B IWGSC RefSeq v2.1 is gwm533 markers. Markers positions on the Chinese Spring chromosome 3B IWGSC RefSeq v2.1 is shown. No blast on this 3B pseudomolecule, ordered according to conting344 [60]. Recombinants shown. No blast on this 3B pseudomolecule, ordered as outlined by conting344 [60]. Recombinants for the minimal interval containing the LrcSV2 gene are depicted in bold. 0 susceptible Gama6 genfor the resistant Sinvalocho genotype, H heterozygote genotype. Rust: F3 artificial infection (F4 for otype, 1minimal interval containing the LrcSV2 gene are depicted in bold. 0 susceptible Gama6 genotype, 1 resistant Sinvalocho genotype, H heterozygote genotype. Rust: F3 artificial infection (F4 recombinant 642) with P. triticina race Ca02G1R at adult stage, R resistant phenotype, S susceptible for recombinant 642) with P. triticina are Ca02G1R at Supplementary Table phenotype, S susceptible phenotype. Cosegregating markers racedescribed in adult stage, R resistant S1. phenotype. Cosegregating markers are described in Supplementary Table S1.For LrcSV2, a stepwise strategy was employed. The very first 584 F2s in the cross SV were Gene with all the linked LrBMP1 were introgressed in to the susceptible commercial genotyped Lr16 and flanking markers gpw4388 and FSs34 [26] and 9 recombinants were varieties ACA801, Baguette9, BioINTA1001 and Buck Bigu The presence ofdeveloped:in detected. At the same time, 44 more markers within this interval were APR Lr13 eight BM was suggested contigs [21] Even so, we couldn’t confirm as considering that avirulent races working with the wheat 4Bby Dyck spanning the target region identifiedthisdescribed in Di uez to this gene were not offered in our collection. Lr13 was mapped on 2BS on deletion bin 2BS1-0.53.75, proximal towards the LrBMP1-Lr16 cluster [61]. Thus, markers throughout this chromosome arm selected from a high-density microsatellite consensus map for bread wheat had been applied for its introgression (Table 2). In every BC cycle, plants have been evaluated at seedling stage using the rust race Ma07Bg9 that identifies Lr16 and/or the wmc764 linked marker plus the selected plants were genotyped with 4 to 9 polymorphic codominant markers distributed along 2BS to select BM alleles.–gwmcfpcfpcfpcfpcfpcfpcfbcfpcfpcfpswmcfpcfpBiology 2021, 10,binants were genotyped with these markers, and their F3 was phenotypically assessed at flag leaf stage for resistance or susceptibility for the Ca02G1R rust strain, w.
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