And its applications. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 89: 879891. 22. Schwarz E Ulman’s encyclopedia of industrial chemistry. In: Elvers B, Hawkins S, Russey W, editors. VCH, Weinheim. pp. 423426. 23. Shao ZR, Liu FL, Li QY, Yao JT, Duan DL Isolation, expression and characterization of Rubisco gene from Saccharina japonica. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 32: 377389. 24. Bradford MM Speedy and sensitive strategy for quantitation of microgram quantities of protein using principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry, 72: 248254. 25. Salamov AA, Solovyev VV Recognition of 39-end cleavage and polyadenilation region of human mRNA precursors. CABIOS 13: 2328. 26. Lescot M, Dehais P, Thijs G, Marchal K, Moreau Y, et al. PlantCARE, a database of plant cis-acting regulatory components and also a portal to tools for in silico analysis of promoter sequences. Nucleic Acids Analysis 30: 325327. 27. Gasteiger E, Hoogland C, Gattiker 25331948 A, Duvaud S, Wilkins MR, et al. Protein Identification and Analysis Tools on the ExPASy Server. In: John M.. Walker, editor. The Proteomics Protocols Handbook. Humana Press. 28. Sayers EW, Barrett T, Benson DA, Bolton E, Bryant SH, et al. Database resources from the National Center for Biotechnology Details. Nucleic Acids Res 40: D13D25. 29. Petersen TN, Brunak S, von Heijne G, Nielsen H SignalP four.0: discriminating signal peptides from transmembrane regions. Nat Methods 8: 785786. 30. Krogh A, Larsson B, von Heijne B, Sonnhammer ELL Predicting transmembrane protein topology with a hidden 58-49-1 chemical information Markov model: Application to complete genomes. J Mol Biol 305: 567580. 31. Geourjon C, Deleage G SOPMA: substantial improvements in protein secondary structure prediction by consensus prediction from various alignments. Comput Appl Biosci 11: 681684. 32. Guex N, Peitsch MC SWISS-MODEL and also the Swiss-PdbViewer: An atmosphere for comparative protein modelling. Electrophoresis 18: 27142723. 33. Schwede T, Kopp J, Guex N, Peitsch MC SWISS-MODEL: an automated protein homology-modeling server. Nucleic Acids Investigation 31: 33813385. 34. Arnold K, Bordoli L, Kopp J, Schwede T The SWISS-MODEL Workspace: A web-based environment for protein structure homology modeling. Bioinformatics 22: 195201. 35. Thompson JD, Gibson TJ, Plewniak F, Jeanmougin F, Higgins DG The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for a number of sequence alignment aided by excellent evaluation tools. Nucleic Acids Investigation 24: 48764882. 36. Tamura K, Peterson D, Peterson N, Stecher G, Nei M, et al. MEGA5: Molecular evolutionary NT 157 web genetics evaluation employing maximum likelihood, evolutionary distance, and maximum parsimony strategies. Mol Biol Evol 28: 27312739. 37. Felsenstein J Self-confidence limits on phylogenies: an approach making use of the bootstrap. Evolution 39: 783791. 38. Schmittgen TD, Zakrajsek BA, Mills AG, Gorn V, Singer MJ, et al. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction to study mRNA decay: comparison of endpoint and real-time strategies. Anal Biochem 285: 194 204. 39. Deng Y, Yao J, Wang X, Guo H, Duan D Transcriptome sequencing and comparative evaluation of Saccharina japonica beneath blue light induction. PLoS One particular 7: e39704. 40. Kavanagh KL, Klimacek M, Nidetzky B, Wilson DK Crystal structure of Pseudomonas fluorescens mannitol 2-dehydrogenase binary and ternary complexes. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 277: 4343343442. 41. Roberts K, Granum E, Leegood RC, Raven JA Carbon acquisition by diatoms. Photosynthesis Analysis 93: 7988. 42. K.And its applications. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 89: 879891. 22. Schwarz E Ulman’s encyclopedia of industrial chemistry. In: Elvers B, Hawkins S, Russey W, editors. VCH, Weinheim. pp. 423426. 23. Shao ZR, Liu FL, Li QY, Yao JT, Duan DL Isolation, expression and characterization of Rubisco gene from Saccharina japonica. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology 32: 377389. 24. Bradford MM Fast and sensitive method for quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical Biochemistry, 72: 248254. 25. Salamov AA, Solovyev VV Recognition of 39-end cleavage and polyadenilation area of human mRNA precursors. CABIOS 13: 2328. 26. Lescot M, Dehais P, Thijs G, Marchal K, Moreau Y, et al. PlantCARE, a database of plant cis-acting regulatory components along with a portal to tools for in silico analysis of promoter sequences. Nucleic Acids Investigation 30: 325327. 27. Gasteiger E, Hoogland C, Gattiker 25331948 A, Duvaud S, Wilkins MR, et al. Protein Identification and Analysis Tools on the ExPASy Server. In: John M.. Walker, editor. The Proteomics Protocols Handbook. Humana Press. 28. Sayers EW, Barrett T, Benson DA, Bolton E, Bryant SH, et al. Database sources in the National Center for Biotechnology Information and facts. Nucleic Acids Res 40: D13D25. 29. Petersen TN, Brunak S, von Heijne G, Nielsen H SignalP 4.0: discriminating signal peptides from transmembrane regions. Nat Methods 8: 785786. 30. Krogh A, Larsson B, von Heijne B, Sonnhammer ELL Predicting transmembrane protein topology with a hidden Markov model: Application to finish genomes. J Mol Biol 305: 567580. 31. Geourjon C, Deleage G SOPMA: important improvements in protein secondary structure prediction by consensus prediction from various alignments. Comput Appl Biosci 11: 681684. 32. Guex N, Peitsch MC SWISS-MODEL as well as the Swiss-PdbViewer: An atmosphere for comparative protein modelling. Electrophoresis 18: 27142723. 33. Schwede T, Kopp J, Guex N, Peitsch MC SWISS-MODEL: an automated protein homology-modeling server. Nucleic Acids Analysis 31: 33813385. 34. Arnold K, Bordoli L, Kopp J, Schwede T The SWISS-MODEL Workspace: A web-based environment for protein structure homology modeling. Bioinformatics 22: 195201. 35. Thompson JD, Gibson TJ, Plewniak F, Jeanmougin F, Higgins DG The ClustalX windows interface: flexible strategies for multiple sequence alignment aided by top quality evaluation tools. Nucleic Acids Analysis 24: 48764882. 36. Tamura K, Peterson D, Peterson N, Stecher G, Nei M, et al. MEGA5: Molecular evolutionary genetics analysis applying maximum likelihood, evolutionary distance, and maximum parsimony methods. Mol Biol Evol 28: 27312739. 37. Felsenstein J Self-confidence limits on phylogenies: an strategy using the bootstrap. Evolution 39: 783791. 38. Schmittgen TD, Zakrajsek BA, Mills AG, Gorn V, Singer MJ, et al. Quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction to study mRNA decay: comparison of endpoint and real-time techniques. Anal Biochem 285: 194 204. 39. Deng Y, Yao J, Wang X, Guo H, Duan D Transcriptome sequencing and comparative analysis of Saccharina japonica beneath blue light induction. PLoS One 7: e39704. 40. Kavanagh KL, Klimacek M, Nidetzky B, Wilson DK Crystal structure of Pseudomonas fluorescens mannitol 2-dehydrogenase binary and ternary complexes. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 277: 4343343442. 41. Roberts K, Granum E, Leegood RC, Raven JA Carbon acquisition by diatoms. Photosynthesis Analysis 93: 7988. 42. K.
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